The dailiness of everything, ways to create and cope, help and heal, learn and live!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Lowering the bar...

for others. Yeah...I am not talking about my own high standards. If anything I am horrid at all the "soccer mom" stuff. I cannot live that existence. When it gets stacked with one activity after another I start getting a little wiggy. I am not made of the stern stuff of so many women that surround me these days. I love to sit at home and just go slack jawed watching a movie. And quite frankly - this embarrasses me to some degree.

Because I live in the age of Super Woman.

I am so not Super Woman.

That would be the reason for the name Pajama Mama. I am GOOD at that. Fer sure.

So maybe this is my way of rebelling....just a little bit. I do have that wonderful trait in spades. I am kidding - not about having that trait - about it being wonderful. It is horrid. There is a fine line when setting boundaries as to why you are setting the boundaries. When rebelling and thumbing my nose at something comes into play- I have to think it through carefully. There are so many good things I need to submit to. I am constantly fighting the battle of suck it up and be nice as you do this for pete's sake.

But this - I have thought through.

I want to lower the bar. Just a bit.

I think that we think we have to be Super Woman everyday. We will disappoint someone. Or, we are trying to maintain a facade that gives us our worth. And our activities should never be where our worth comes from. Those activities ebb and flow and ebb to death. They become less and less as time goes by. We will be frustrated, cranky, unfulfilled, old women if continue to keep up the Super Woman facade. Because we just can't.

Our value as followers of Christ should be exactly where we look to find worth; Our adoption into the amazing familiy of God. We are daughters of the KING. He has given us simple rules to follow. They free us and allow us to be who he made us. That is with flaws and all. Wow. Now - of course we seek to overcome those flaws. He is in the process of sanctifying us day by day. But there is REST and FREEDOM in relaxing in Christ.

I think that is where lowering the bar comes into play. It is actually a setting the bar higher but in that amazing flip God uses - it is like losing your life for the sake of Christ to find more abundant life (Matthew 10:39  Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it).

So in my setting the bar lower - I am just saying that I am freeing myself to be who I am with all of my flaws and personal problems. Seriously. I love the idea of not having to pretend that I am perfect. God is in the process of doing that for me. One day - I will be like him. A reflection of his glorious grace. That is what my goal and purpose should be everyday. To be a little more like him. I am going to do my best to lower the bar for my sisters. Because being Super Woman every day has GOT to be exhausting.

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